Kayden Sanders


May 2020 - Part 1


  PHOTOS ON THIS PAGE:  Galaxy Shoes, Wavy Hair, Family Gathering, Goslings, and NEW KITTEN - "GINGER"!

  Kayden made her old Vans into Galaxy Shoes!   Markers and Paint! 5/16/20  

    5/21/20 - Wavy Hair Day    

  5/24/20 - Family Gathering Long Overdue!  

    Gosling visitors, 5/26/20    

    Getting King Ginger!  5/30/20    Sweet Sue had a litter of 3 kittens, after 2 months, we came to pick one out.  Thought we were getting a girl (thus "Ginger"), then we found out we had a boy (King Ginger, Mr. Ginger, Gingy, etc.)    
  Is this comfortable?