December 2018


PHOTOS ON THIS PAGE:  Kayden gets All A's, Dancing at Hemming Park, Lessons & Carols, dancing at the Jax Landing for Xmas, Santa pic, Spelling Bee, Salvation Army and Christmas!

  12/5/18 - Kayden makes all A's for the first trimester of school, and get an award at the Head of School Chapel.  

    12/5/18 - Dancing at Hemming Park with the SJSD Performing Group    

    12/14/18 - Lessons and Carols at School (Kayden played carols on the recorder)    

    12/14/18 - Kayden and her SJSD dance buddies enjoy a Christmas show at the Jax Landing!  We had to go indoors because it was VERY rainy!    

    12/16/18 - Look who we ran into !    

    12/20/18 - Kayden's School Spelling Bee - she was in the final Top 12 spellers at school. 
Her words were gravity, relics, and gentlemen.

    12/22/18 - Ringing bells for the Salvation Army    

    12/25/18:  Christmas!  (1) At Home, (2) At Clete & Regina's, (3) at Grannie and Paw Paw's, (4) at Amy's place!  FOUR STOPS!!!