October 2016 - Part 2


  Photos on this page:  Sunburst Halloween Pageant; "Dead Word" Funeral; Fall Festival; Velocity; Pumpkin Carving Get Together; Halloween  


10-22-16: Ciara and Kayden competed in the Sunburst Halloween Pageant at the Avenues!  They both won their respective categories.  Ciara won the "Pre Teen" category, and all optional awards.  Kayden won the "Little Miss" category and 2 other optionals.
















10-25-16:  Ciara's class' "Dead Word" Funeral at School




10-27-16:  School Fall Festival





10-29-16:  Charlee's B-day Part at Velocity




10-30-16:  Pumpkin Carving Get-Together














10-31-16:  Halloween