May 2011

  Photos on this page:   Ciara & Kayden Singing (again), Sydney's Graduation, Swimming in the Pool on Mother's Day, visiting geese, goslings, herons, & ducks; and MiKyle's Graduation  

(1) Ciara & Kayden Singing the "Hello Neighbor" song, 5/1/11
(2) Visiting Geese and Goslings come by on Mother's Day, 5/8/11

  5/1/11 - Good friend, Sydney Keister, graduates and Ciara and Kayden enjoy her graduation party!

  5/8/11 - Kayden & Ciara enjoy the pool on Mother's Day.  Also, a Mother Canadian Goose came along with her family of cute little goslings!  


  5/10/11 - A couple of days later, they were visited by a Great White Heron and some Ducks!  

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