April 2011 - Part One

  Photos on this page:   Sports Day at Kayden's School, Walking In Mom's Shoes, Singing Sensation, Singing with Sissy, Easter Bunny at Chick-Fil-A, Beach with Anna Grace, Fun at Amy's Party  

  4/12/11 - Sports Day at TCS  

  4/9/11 - A Whole Lot of Screamin' Goin' On
  4/21/11 - Walking In Mom's Shoes - VIDEO  
  4/17/11 - Kayden, A Singing Sensation - VIDEO  
  4/19/11 - Kayden & Ciara sing the ABCs - VIDEO
(As seen on the Sprout Channel!)

  4/19/11 - Visiting the Easter Bunny Early At Chick-Fil-A  

  4/22/11 - The Beach ! - VIDEO  

  4/23/11 - Amy's Wedding Party - VIDEO  

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