May 28 - 30, 2010

  On this Page:   ACTUAL ON-STAGE COMPETITION PHOTOS of Kayden at the Florida State Sunburst Beauty Pageant.  

  The Supermodel Model Search was first in t-shirt and shorts!  
The Swimsuit competition was next!
The School Wear competition was the last competition on Friday.
Kayden got to wear her Formal Wear on Saturday for the Beauty category.

This was Kayden's fourth pageant and she won the following awards (division age 16-23 months):

Won participation trophy, won crown for advertisement, 2nd Runner Up in Daywear (trophy), 2nd Runner Up in Swimwear (trophy), 4th Runner Up in Model Search (trophy); WINNER of Best Composite (trophy and crown); 2nd Runner Up for Best Portfolio (trophy); 1st Runner Up in Photogenic (trophy); TOP TEN in the Beauty Category (formal wear).         


Ciara also competed in the State Sunburst Pageant in the 3-4 Year Old Category!
CLICK HERE to see photos of how she did!

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